
Purpose | Garour Cafe
life of nature

We grow vegetables in our Rooftop Garden

We sell vegetarian food in Garour Cafe

Eco-friendly lifestyle

Aim for Garour Cafe

  • To alleviate animal suffering
  • To pursue a healthier lifestyle
  • To reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Environmental Protection

 Food production accounts for one-quarter to one-third of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, and the brunt of responsibility for those numbers falls to the livestock industry. Despite this, how our dietary choices affect climate change is often underestimated. For example, an average family of four emits more greenhouse gases because of the meat they eat than from driving two cars – low food mileagebut it is cars, not steaks, that regularly come up in discussions about global warming.

 Should we all go vegetarian, ideally we would dedicate at least 80% of that pastureland to the restoration of grasslands and forests, which would capture carbon and further alleviate climate change. Converting former pastures to native habitats would likely also be a boon to biodiversity, including for large herbivores such as buffalo that were pushed out for cattle, as well as for predators like wolves that are often killed in retaliation for attacking livestock.

 If the world went vegan instead, emissions declines would be around 70%.

Cutting Carbon Footprint Rooftop Veggie Garden Cafe 2

 With regard to food mileage, urban agriculture produces food of substantially lower carbon footprint than imported food. Given that urban agriculture can serve as a sink for organic waste, extensive urban farms of different scales spread over Hong Kong help to reduce the carbon footprint related to the transportation and land-filling of such waste. Many more private food gardens, market gardens and farms are needed.

 We strongly recommend you to watch a documentary film called "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret", which explores the impact of animal agriculture on the environment.